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Simple values

For most of the types described there is a function to transform the Typescript version to the plu-ts equivalent.

Here we cover the simple ones, leaving functions and structs to be covered later.

values constructors

plu-ts typefunction namets to plu-ts function signature
unitpmakeUnitpmakeUnit(): Term<PUnit>
intpIntpInt(x: number \ bigint): Term<PInt>
boolpBoolpBool(x: boolean): Term<PBool>
bspByteStringpByteString(x: string \ ByteString \ Buffer): Term<PByteString>
strpStrpStr(x: string): Term<PStr>
datapDatapData(x: Data): Term<PData>
listpList*pList<T extends TermType>( t: T )( x: Term<ToPType<T>>[] )
pairpPair**pPair<A extends TermType, B extends TermType>( fstT: A, sndT: B )( fst: Term<ToPType<A>>, snd: Term<ToPType<B>> )
delayed*** not supported at ts level*** explained below

* pList

Since PList is a generic type the pList function has a slightly more complex function signature:

function pList<ElemsT extends TermType, PElemsT extends ToPType<ElemsT = ToPType<ElemsT>>>
( elemsT: ElemsT )
: ( elems: Term<PElemsT>[] ) => Term<PList<PElemsT>>

In the signature above, TermType is the Typescript types of plu-ts types (which are typescript values after all) and ToPType is a utility type used internally and you should not worry about it.

From the signature we can already understand that given a plu-ts type, pList returns a function ad-hoc for terms of that type; so if we want a function to get list of integers we just do:

const pListInt: ( elems: Term<PInt>[] ) => Term<PList<PInt>> = 
pList( int );

And with that we now have a function that transforms an array of terms into a list.

const intList = pListInt( [1,2,3,4].map( pInt ) );

You might notice that in contrast to the other functions introduced, pListInt that we created works with terms instead of vanilla ts values; this is because pListInt acts as a macro as seen by plu-ts.

** pPair

Just like PList, also PPair is a generic type, which causes pPair to have more complex function signature too:

function pPair<
A extends TermType,
B extends TermType,
PA extends ToPType<A> = ToPType<A>,
PA extends ToPType<B> = ToPType<B>,
( fstT: A, sndT: B )
: ( fst: PappArg<PA>, snd: PappArg<PB> ) => Term<PPair<PA,PB>>

and you would use it in a very similar way of pList:

const myPair = pPair( bs, int )( "caffee", 2 )

Note how we are passing typescript value without transforming them to plu-ts ones;

This is some magic done by 'plu-ts' so that if the type is known we don't have to explicitly construct it.

We'll see that this turns really useful while writing a smart contract

*** delayed

delayed doesn't really have a Typescript value, so it only makes sense in the plu-ts world.

You can only obtain a delayed value from an exsisting one using pdelay

function pdelay<PT extends PType>( someTerm: Term<PT> ): Term<PDelayed<PT>>