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It is the first field of the PScriptContex structure.

It includes all the informations regarding the transaction in which the script is included.


export const PTxInfo = pstruct({
PTxInfo: {
inputs: list( PTxInInfo.type ),
refInputs: list( PTxInInfo.type ),
outputs: list( PTxOut.type ),
fee: PValue.type,
mint: PValue.type,
dCertificates: list( PDCert.type ),
withdrawals: list( pair( PStakingCredentials.type, int ) ),
interval: PPOSIXTimeRange.type,
signatories: list( PPubKeyHash.type ),
redeemers: list( pair( PScriptPurpose.type, data ) ),
datums: list( pair( PDatumHash.type, data ) ),
id: PTxId.type


type: list( PTxInInfo.type )

elements's type: PTxInInfo

The value implements all the properties defined on the TermList utility term.


type: list( PTxInInfo.type )

elements's type: PTxInInfo

The value implements all the properties defined on the TermList utility term.


type: list( PTxOut.type )

elements's type: PTxOut

The value implements all the properties defined on the TermList utility term.


type: PValue.type

despite being only a value it always includes a single entry which repersents the lovelaces paid as fees.


type: PValue.type

includes all tokens minted/burned in the transaction.

ADA entry

being a value directly constructed by the node it always includes an entry for lovelaces

since lovelaces can't be minted/burned the quantity will always be 0


type: list( PDCert.type )

elements's type: PDCert

The value implements all the properties defined on the TermList utility term.


type: list( pair( PStakingCredentials.type, int ) )

elements's types:

The value implements all the properties defined on the TermList utility term.


type: PPOSIXTimeRange.type


type: list( PPubKeyHash.type )

elements's type: PPubKeyHash

The value implements all the properties defined on the TermList utility term.


type: list( pair( PScriptPurpose.type, data ) )

elements's types:

The value implements all the properties defined on the TermList utility term.


type: list( pair( PDatumHash.type, data ) )

elements's types:

The value implements all the properties defined on the TermList utility term.


type: PTxId.type