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The modifications in PTxInfo from V1 version are highlighted.

It is the first field of the PScriptContext structure.

It includes all the information regarding the transaction in which the script is included.


export const PTxInfo = pstruct({
PTxInfo: {
inputs: list( PTxInInfo.type ),
refInputs: list( PTxInInfo.type ),
outputs: list( PTxOut.type ),
fee: PValue.type,
mint: PValue.type,
dCertificates: list( PDCert.type ),
withdrawals: list( pair( PStakingCredential.type, int ) ),
interval: PPOSIXTimeRange.type,
signatories: list( PPubKeyHash.type ),
redeemers: list( pair( PScriptPurpose.type, data ) ),
datums: list( pair( PDatumHash.type, data ) ),
id: PTxId.type

Values implements all the properties defined on the TermList utility term.


List of transaction inputs. Each input representing an unspent transaction output (UTXO) consumed by the current transaction.

type: list( PTxInInfo.type )

elements's type: PTxInInfo


Reference inputs of the transaction. These UTXOs are referenced but not consumed by the transaction. This additional context/information maybe necessary for the contract logic but do not directly affect the transaction's output.

type: list( PTxInInfo.type )

elements's type: PTxInInfo


List of transaction outputs. Each output represents a new UTXO created by the transaction.

type: list( PTxOut.type )

elements's type: PTxOut


Transaction fee paid for processing the transaction. Despite being only a value it always includes a single entry which represents the lovelaces paid as fees.

type: PValue.type


Includes all tokens minted/burned in the transaction.

type: PValue.type

ADA entry

Being a value directly constructed by the node it always includes an entry for lovelaces

Since lovelaces can't be minted/burned the quantity will always be 0


List of delegation certificates included in the transaction.

type: list( PDCert.type )

elements's type: PDCert


A list of withdrawals from staking rewards. Each entry consists of a staking credential and the amount withdrawn.

type: list( pair( PStakingCredential.type, int ) )

elements's types:


Time interval during which the transaction is valid.

type: PPOSIXTimeRange.type


A list of public key hashes of the parties that have signed the transaction to validate it.

type: list( PPubKeyHash.type )

elements's type: PPubKeyHash


List of redeemers associated with the transaction, to understand how they are supposed to handle the transaction inputs and outputs.

type: list( pair( PScriptPurpose.type, data ) )

elements's types:


A list of datums associated with the transaction. Each datum consists of a datum hash and the actual data, providing additional context or information for the transaction

type: list( pair( PDatumHash.type, data ) )

elements's types:


The unique identifier of the transaction, used to reference and track the specific transaction on the blockchain.

type: PTxId.type