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type definition:

type TermBS = Term<PByteString> & {

readonly length: TermInt

readonly utf8Decoded: TermStr

readonly concatTerm: TermFn<[PByteString], PByteString>
readonly concat: ( other: Term<PByteString>) => TermBS

readonly prependTerm: TermFn<[PInt], PByteString>
readonly prepend: ( byte: Term<PInt> ) => TermBS

readonly subByteStringTerm: TermFn<[PInt, PInt], PByteString>
readonly subByteString: ( fromInclusive: Term<PInt>, ofLength: Term<PInt> ) => TermBS

readonly sliceTerm: TermFn<[PInt, PInt], PByteString>
readonly slice: ( fromInclusive: Term<PInt>, toExclusive: Term<PInt> ) => TermBS

readonly atTerm: TermFn<[PInt], PInt>
readonly at: ( index: Term<PInt> ) => TermInt

readonly eqTerm: TermFn<[PByteString], PBool>
readonly eq: ( other: Term<PByteString> ) => TermBool

readonly ltTerm: TermFn<[PByteString], PBool>
readonly lt: ( other: Term<PByteString> ) => TermBool

readonly ltEqTerm: TermFn<[PByteString], PBool>
readonly ltEq: ( other: Term<PByteString> ) => TermBool

readonly gtTerm: TermFn<[PByteString], PBool>
readonly gt: ( other: Term<PByteString> ) => TermBool

readonly gtEqTerm: TermFn<[PByteString], PBool>
readonly gtEq: ( other: Term<PByteString> ) => TermBool




returns TermInt

equivalent expression:

plengthBs.$( term )



returns TermStr

equivalent expression:

pdecodeUtf8.$( term )



parameter: other type: Term<PByteString>

returns: TermBS

equivalent expression:

pappendBs.$( term ).$( other )

concatenates the bytestring on which the method is defined on with the one passed as argument and returns a new bytestring as result of the operation



parameter: byte type: Term<PInt>

returns: TermBS

equivalent expression:

pconsBs.$( byte ).$( term )

expects the byte argument to be an integer in the range 0 <= byte <= 255

adds a single byte at the start of the term the method is defined on and returns a new bytestring as result.



parameter: fromInclusive type: Term<PInt>

parameter: ofLength type: Term<PInt>

returns: TermBS

equivalent expression:

psliceBs.$( fromInclusive ).$( ofLength ).$( term )

takes fromInclusive as index of the first byte to include in the result and the expected length as ofLength as second parameter.

returns ofLength bytes starting from the one at index fromInclusive.

somewhat more efficient than slice as it maps directly to the builtin psliceBs function.



parameter: fromInclusive type: Term<PInt>

parameter: toExclusive type: Term<PInt>

returns: TermBS

equivalent expression:

psliceBs.$( fromInclusive ).$( psub.$( toExclusive ).$( fromInclusive ) ).$( term )

takes fromInclusive as index of the first byte to include in the result and toExclusive as the index of the first byte to exclude

returns the bytes specified in the range



parameter: index type: Term<PInt>

returns: TermInt

equivalent expression:

pindexBs.$( term ).$( index )

returns an integer in range 0 <= byte <= 255 representing the byte at position index



parameter: other type: Term<PByteString>

returns: TermBool

equivalent expression:

peqBs.$( term ).$( other )

bytestring equality



parameter: other type: Term<PByteString>

returns: TermBool

equivalent expression:

plessBs.$( term ).$( other )

returns pBool( true ) if term is strictly less than other; pBool( false ) otherwise

bytestrings order

bytestrings are ordered lexicographically

meaning that two strings are compared byte by byte

if the the byte of the first bytestring is less than the byte of the second; the first is considered less;

if it the two bytes are equal it checks the next byte

if the second is less than the first; the second is considered less;



parameter: other type: Term<PByteString>

returns: TermBool

equivalent expression:

plessEqBs.$( term ).$( other )

returns pBool( true ) if term is less or equal than other; pBool( false ) otherwise



parameter: other type: Term<PByteString>

returns: TermBool

equivalent expression:

pgreaterBS.$( term ).$( other )

returns pBool( true ) if term is strictly greater than other; pBool( false ) otherwise



parameter: other type: Term<PByteString>

returns: TermBool

equivalent expression:

pgreaterEqBS.$( term ).$( other )

returns pBool( true ) if term is greater or equal than other; pBool( false ) otherwise